Saturday, March 8, 2014

Olivia DeFilippo

Section/Position: Front Ensemble

Major: Anthropology

Hometown: Wallingford, CT

Favorite Candy: Reese’s

Fun Fact: I received my Gold Award in Girl Scouts this past year by building a vegetable garden and donating all of the produce to a nearby food pantry.

Olivia’s UConn and/or UCMB experience:

Being a part of the UCMB as a freshman in college has changed my entire outlook on college because of the incredible moments I have experienced as well as all of the fantastic people I’ve met. In the first few weeks of marching season I have met some of the most amazing people with more devotion and respect than anyone else I have ever met. Together we put on an incredible show and built a new family. As a freshman, I can’t find the words describe what this huge family has done for me as I start my life away from my hometown. I can’t say thank you enough to the UCMB and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. Only 20!

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