Monday, February 17, 2014

Lauren McGrane

Section/Position:  Alto Saxophone

Major: Sociology

Hometown: Winchester, CT

Favorite Candy: Ferrero Rocher

Fun Fact: I've eaten kangaroo!

Lauren's UConn and/or UCMB experience: The UCMB has been vital to my college experience. After my father sadly passed away my sophomore year, I joined the UCMB and was blessed with so much. The UCMB gave me so much more than the opportunity to return to marching band. It gave me my best friends, and I couldn't be more thankful. From participating in Lipsync, HuskyTHON , and intramural sports to going to Late Night or basketball games or watching the Ellen show, I do these things with my best friends. I have the most amazing friends and support system, and I have the UCMB to thank for that.

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